Spend more time on cases and let us

Build Your Caseload

  • You only pay for the leads you want and accept!
  • JuriGo generates more than 75 000 leads per year
  • Get an 8 to 12 return on investment!
  • 🚀 Get more clients instantly

Try JuriGo now!



JuriGo.ca is a web platform that allows lawyers to meet potential clients. By offering a well thought-out networking space, JuriGo.ca allows to pair the right professional/firm to the right client depending on specific criteria: budget, expertise and proximity.

JuriGo.ca is all your potential clients on one single platform!

Talk with a representative now!

Québec 1-855-615-3330

Ontario 1-855-277-2785

What do our clients say?

I thought it was too good to be true! I received around 10 administrative cases in the first week!
Administrative Lawyer, freelance.
JuriGo is a true business ally. Despite the pandemic, I’m growing! The clients we get from their criminal law segment is mostly made of first offenders.
Criminal Lawyer, small firm.
I’m surprised with the quality of leads in business law. We have received important litigation and transaction cases thanks to JuriGo.
Business Lawyer, large firm.
We are really happy with the large volume of family law cases. It’s really easy to generate a good return with JuriGo.
Family Lawyer, mid-size firm.
We use JuriGo to fill in when we have slower periods. It’s reassuring to have a constant flow of business with their service.
Real Estate Lawyer, mid-size firm.
I wanted precise immigration cases: only sponsorships. I love JuriGo, it makes it really easy to only receive the cases I actually want.
Immigration Lawyer, freelance.

JuriGo.ca is all your potential clients on one single platform!

Freelance or working for a firm, bet on new technologies to develop your business.

Save time

Save time and forget about tedious networking that doesn't pan out. Today, more than a third of all legal referencing happens on the web, it's time for you to be there too.

Serve "sur-mesure" clients

Only work on cases that you care about. Building a career is already hard enough, allow yourself to choose cases that will make you thrive further.

Increase your visibility

Be amongts the most innovative and reinforce your notoriety. Our team take care of protecting and increasing your web presence.

How does it work?

The modernization of networking starts here!

  • Register

    Register now and you'll be able to create your profile describing the types of cases you're interested in. You'll then have access to our bundles and will be able to discuss with one of our representatives.

  • Receive new leads

    From the profile you’ll have created, we will be able to connect you with potential clients and cases. You’ll then be able to accept the clients or not. You’re in the driver’s seat.

  • Develop your business

    You only have to contact the case profiles that you’ll have accepted. Those cases are yours, along with their legal fees!


How many leads will I receive from you?

A LOT! We generate more than 2 thousand leads per month, all across Québec and Ontario. The more specialties and regions you check in your profile the bigger the volume of leads.

Which specialties are the most popular?

All specialties are popular! That being said the largest volume comes from (in no particular order): Administrative, Business, Criminal, Family, Real Estate, Liability and Employment Law.

When is a JuriCoin spent?

JuriCoins are spent when you accept a lead based on the lead's JuriCoin value. Once you match with a lead you gain access to the names of the parties in order to verify potential conflicts of interest and read the description of the case submitted by the potential client. You will then have the opportunity to accept or decline the lead. Only accepted leads spend your JuriCoins.

Can I decline leads

Yes! Please note that generating leads does cost money, whether you accept it or not. Because of that we moderate your refusals to maintain a viable service. The following rules apply, 1 Lead will be spent for:

  • 15 refusals of Private Mandates or Commercial bundles
  • 10 refusals of Small Mandates bundles
  • 5 refusals of Legal Aid bundles

Are the leads filtered in any way before being sent?

Yes! Every lead we send are authorized by one of our operators (a lawyer or a law student). The operators act as our filter and help you save time!

Once I accept the lead, do I have the exclusivity of the potential client?

Yes! Wether you pay for exclusivities or not, once you accept a lead no other lawyer on JuriGo get access to the client's contact information through our services. You will then gain exclusivity on the potential client.

Does accepting a lead automatically leads to a new client for me?

No. Our work is to put you in touch with interesting potential clients. Once this is done, it's your turn to play! Usually, 30 to 40% of leads become actual clients for our lawyers.

Do I have to provide a first free consultation to potential client?

No. We let potential clients know that lawyer services are not free so you do not have to provide free services. You should clarify your fee structure with potential clients as quickly as possible before or during your first meeting.


and one of our representatives will quickly contact you
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© JuriGo.ca 2017-2024

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